Spatial analysis of commercial and recreational activities in the municipality of Al-Mansour (Al-Mutanabbi neighborhood)


  • Areej Bahjat Ahmed University of Baghdad



commercial entertainment activities, commercial services, spatial analysis, entertainment services ,spatial variation


Abstract :

 One of the most important things that makes a person comfortable is self-recreation, which is what he has obtained through entertainment since ancient times. He has always sought to develop the simplest services and activities to reach the stage of development that it is at now, with what are called commercial entertainment services in order to enjoy the service of entertainment, drink and food at the same time. The importance of the study comes from The direct link between commercial recreational activities and human comfort, as these activities lead to alleviating the stresses of life as well as providing many of the food and beverage needs of city residents. Therefore, studying them and knowing the efficiency of their functional performance is an important goal for the study, and from here came the most important problem of the study, which is spatial variation. The geographical distribution of recreational commercial activities and the variation in their functional performance and level of efficiency. As for the procedures that the study used to answer the most important questions of the study, they came through the field study and the use of a questionnaire form for a sample of (1439) questionnaires distributed to visitors of recreational commercial activities. One of the most important findings of the study is the spread Commercial and recreational activities and their expansion in the city of Baghdad, especially its areas and commercial streets, including the streets of Al-Mutanabbi neighborhood, which witnessed a development in these activities, and the number of them reached (34) activities distributed on both sides of its commercial streets, frequented by (158,230) people/week and an average of (22,604) people/day from various regions of the governorate. Baghdad and its districts, and a small percentage of the governorates close to it, because this neighborhood has great importance gained from the presence of these activities on both sides of its commercial streets, especially with its provision of the best services and fairly reasonable prices, which requires finding the best ways to develop it and trying to overcome the problems that the residents face when they arrive there. The centers aim to provide an integrated commercial and recreational service, and the diversity and concentration of activities on both sides of the commercial streets in the Al-Mutanabbi neighborhood led to an increase in the number of visitors to these centers due to the excellence of the services they provide, but the increase in the number of visitors led to the emergence of many problems that the study tried to shed light on and put many Solutions for it.


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How to Cite

Spatial analysis of commercial and recreational activities in the municipality of Al-Mansour (Al-Mutanabbi neighborhood). (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(1), 121-143.

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