Guidelines for Authors

The editorial board of Alustath Journal for Human and Social Sciences seeks to raise the impact factor of the journal in preparation for entering the global scientific database. Accordingly, Alustath Journal publishes research that is characterized by scientific sobriety, cognitive value, integrity of language, accuracy of documentation according to the conditions set out below:

  1. The research has not been previously published in another journal. It should not be part of a previous published research or a university thesis and the researcher must sign a pledge form that the research will not be published or previously submitted for publication in another journal and not to submit it for publication in another journal after it has been published in Alustath Journal for HUman and Social Sciences.
  2. Not to mention the name of the researcher or any indication of it in the body of the research to ensure the confidentiality and impartiality of the arbitration process.
  3. The number of words in the research should not exceed (8000) words, including references
    and appendices.
  4. The first page of the research must contain the following : research title, the researcher's name, academic degree and certificate, researcher's address, and the researcher's e-mail.
  5. Researches written in Arabic and English should contain an abstract in English, the words of which do not exceed 200 words, preceded by the title of the research, the name of the researcher and his/her place of work in English as well, and that the researches written in the English language contain an abstract in Arabic whose words do not exceed 200 words preceded by the title of the research and the name of the researcher and his place of work in Arabic as well.
  6. Research papers are written in (Microsoft Word) in (Arabic Simplified) font for research written in Arabic and (Times New Roman) font for research written in English, size (12) for the body and size (14) for main and sub-headings.
  7. The journal adopts the APA style for scientific publication in documentation and the researcher must follow the rules of citation, documentation of sources and ethics of scientific research in accordance with this system.
  8. The research references are written on a separate page or pages arranged according to the approved assets according to the following order: the author's nickname, his name. (year of publication). Title of the book, edition number, place of publication (city). See (APA System Documentation Resources). For more information (
  9. All the refernces in the body of the research are written in English in addition to writing them in the language of the research.
  10. Translate all non-English refernces (including Arabic) into English, keeping the list written in the research language present.
  11. If the Arabic refernces have a certified English translation, it must be approved. As for the refernces that do not have a certified English translation (such as: Al Kafi), transliteration is done, i.e. the refernces is written in English letters literal (AlKafy).
  12. Re-arrange the list of refernces (which are assumed to have become in English) in the order of the English letters (Alphabets) and according to the (APA) style.
  13. The journal applies a system of plagiarism examination using the (Turnitin) program, whereby the publication of research in which the proportion of plagiarism exceeds the internationally accepted rate is rejected.
  14. The research is subject to a preliminary examination by the journal's editorial board in order to determine the research's eligibility for arbitration, and it has the right to apologize for not accepting the research without providing reasons.
  15. The journal follows the secret double blind reviewers to indicate the validity of the research for publication, where the research submitted for publication is presented to two reviewers with competence, from inside and outside Iraq, and they are chosen in absolute secrecy. As well as presenting the research to a linguistic expert to evaluate its linguistic integrity.
  16. The researches that the reviewers suggest making amendments to in order to be valid for publication shall be returned to their owners to make the required amendments to them. The research shall not be returned to its author if it is not accepted for publication.
  17. The research published in the journal expresses the opinions of its owners, not the opinion of the journal.
  18. The Journal charges publishing fees from researchers outside iraq of 152$ and The fees for publishing the research for researchers from inside Iraq are (200) thousand dinars paid after acceptance of the research.
  19. Articles are published free of charge ( no publication fees) for low- income countries.
  20. Research submitted for publication in the journal can be submitted according to the following link:
  21. The research should include, as much as possible, the following parts in a sequential manner:
    a. Abstract
    B. Key words
    c. The problem of the study and its questions / or hypotheses
    d. The importance of studying
    e. Study limitations (if any)
    f. The method and study procedures, including: (community and sample / study personnel, study tool, study procedures, curriculum)
    g. The results and their discussion
    h. Conclusions and recommendations.
    x. Refernces


Writing References in APA Style


General format:

Author(s). (Year). Title of book: Subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher.

No author

The business of roses. (1974). Los Angeles: Little and Long.

One author

Beeson, M. (2007). Regionalism & globalization in East Asia: Politics, security and economic development. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

2 authors

Chomsky, N., & Halle, M. (1968). The sound patterns of English. New York: Harper & Row.

3 authors or more

Larson, G. W., Ellis, D. C., & Rivers, P. C. (1984). Essentials of chemical dependency counseling. New York: Columbia University Press.

Book with editors

Hill, C. A., & Helmers, M. (Eds.). (2004). Defining visual rhetorics. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Edition of a book

(2nd, 3rd, etc.)


Note that the

first word of a subtitle is always capitalized.

Lemay, L. (1997). Teach yourself web publishing with HTML 4 in a week (4th ed.). Indianapolis, IN:



(electronic book)

Vogel, C. G. (1999). Legends of landforms: Native American
 lore and the geology of the land
version]. Retrieved from




Article/Chapter in an Edited Book

use only when it’s a article/chapter in a book with editor(s)

General format:

Author(s) [of article/chapter]. (Year). Title of chapter: Subtitle. In Name of editor (Ed.), Title of book: Subtitle (pages of article/chapter). Place of Publication: Publisher.


Hartley, J. T., Harker J. O., & Walsh, D. A. (1980). Contemporary issues and new directions in adult development of learning and memory. In L. W. Poon (Ed.), Aging in the 1980s: Psychological issues (pp. 239-252). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.



Articles in a Reference Book   use with encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.

General format (print):



Do NOT put the editor’s name as the author when citing articles in a reference book

Author(s). (Year). Title of article/entry: Subtitle. In Title of encyclopedia (Volume, pages).   Place of Publication: Publisher.


With author

Moore, C. (1991). Mass spectrometry. In Encyclopedia of
chemical technology 
(4th ed., Vol. 15,
pp. 1071-1094). New York: Wiley.

No author

Diabetes. (1997). In The World Book encyclopedia (Vol. 4, pp. 70-91). London: World Book, Inc.

General format (electronic):

Author(s). (Year). Title of article/entry: Subtitle. In Title of online encyclopedia. Retrieved from URL of web site

No author

Boss brass. (2009). In Encyclopedia of music in Canada. Retrieved from http://www.

With author

Tuccinardi, R. (1999). Athena. In Encyclopedia mythica. Retrieved from



Newspaper Articles = 

General format (print):

Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle. Title of Newspaper,
p. page range.

With author

Jefferson, G. (1998, August 12). Microsoft to face lengthy court battle. Herald International,
p. A1.

No author

Food firm helps lift Saudi shares. (2009, October 11). The National, p. B2.

General format (electronic):

Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from URL of newspaper web site

With author

Heinlein, G. (2007, July 24). Michigan smoking ban takes big step. Detroit News. Retrieved from

No author

ADAC to develop Al Ain airport. (2009, October 12). Gulf News. Retrieved from



PowerPoints, PDF documents = 

Basic format:

Author(s).  (Year). Title of document [format of document]. Retrieved from URL


Birnbaum, L. (2008). Changes in historical perspective – Arab Gulf region [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Hallam, A. Duality in consumer theory [PDF document]. Retrieved from


  Journal & Magazine Articles 

Popular magazine articles, general format:

Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle. Title of Magazine, volume (issue), pages. Retrieved from URL of magazine web site / library database home page [if applicable]

Print version of periodical

Pettigrew, T. F. (2009). Secondary transfer effect of contact: Do intergroup contact effects spread to noncontacted outgroups? Social Psychology, 40(2), 55-65.

Periodical web site

Inada, K. K. (1995). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics2, 55-66. Retrieved from

Library database

Jehiel, P. (1999). Information aggregation and communication in organizations. Management Science, 45(5), 659-669. Retrieved from

Popular magazine articles, general format:

Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Subtitle. Title of Magazine, volume (issue), pages. Retrieved from URL of magazine web site / library database home page [if applicable]


Bailey, H. (2009, July 10). Will he run on empty? Newsweek, 153(18), 6-8. Retrieved from



Web Sites  = 

Basic web page,

general format:


Author(s). (Date published, copyright or last revision). Title of specific web page or article: Subtitle. Retrieved from URL of specific web page or article

With author

Daly, B. (1997). Writing argumentative essays. Retrieved from

No author

How to make vegetarian chili. (n.d.). Retrieved August 8,
2010, from

Web page from educational or government site,

general format:


Author(s) or Organization. (Date published, copyright or last revision). Title of specific web page or article: Subtitle. Retrieved from Name of Organization website: URL of specific web page or article

Personal authors


Johnson, K. A., & Becker, J. A. (n.d.). The whole brain atlas.
Retrieved from

Corporate author

University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center. (2009).
Resources for proposal writers. Retrieved from