About the Journal

Alustath Journal  for Human and Social Sciences is one of the first Iraqi university journals issued in 1952 the College of Education Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences / University of Baghdad.


(The word (Alustath) means professor)

  1. The journal publishes quarterly (four issues a year).
  2. The journal is a peer-reviewed periodical publication                   
  3. The journal uses an exclusive license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.            
  4. The journal relies financially on self-financing by publishing research for a fee.
  5. The journal has rules and instructions for the publication of research (Guidlines for Authors) .
  6. The journal is registered in the engine of scientific researcher, google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fr-agUQAAAAJ&hl=en_US.
  7. The journal has deposit number in Iraqi National Library and Archive: Baghdad No. 320 in 1980.
  8. All Research submitted for publication in the journal is subject to the ( Turintin Plagiarism ) program as of 2/5/2017.
  9. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/