Arab Critical Thought and Identity Conflict - Read in Two Books -  by Abdel Aziz Hammouda


  • Roaa Bashir Jumaa College of Education, University of Al Maarif
  • Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Saadoun College of Education, University of Al Maarif, Al Anbar



critical thought, globalization, identity struggle


Arab critical theory occupied the thought of many critics and a long time ago, and for several reasons. Including their sense of cultural dependency, as well as facing many problems in the application of Western curricula to the Arab reality distinguished by its own turmoil. In which the feeling of researchers who live in a state of complete lack of understanding of these curricula created a kind of cultural duality. This matter made us go back to some sources to discuss where the problem lies in finding an original Arab critical theory commensurate with the literary text. Knowing the existence of an Arab critical theory is not only in the interest of the critic, but also in the interest of the creator and the reader, who will not feel that there is a distance of a crack between the text and interpretation.


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How to Cite

Arab Critical Thought and Identity Conflict - Read in Two Books -  by Abdel Aziz Hammouda. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(4), 139-152.

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