Internal Crises of the Algerian Movement for the Victory of Democratic Freedoms and their Impact on the Development of Armed Action1946-1954


  • Sondos Ayoub Taha كلية التربية ابن رشد، جامعة بغداد



Algerian People's Party, Special Organization, Messali Hadj, Barbaric Crisis, French colonial.


The French colonizer's policy and the resulting massacres made up the ground from which the Algerian Patriotic Movement launched its military movement from the beginning of the occupation until the First World War. The National Movement sought to obtain rights in a political manner that might have produced a healing result, including the Algerian People's Party, which was subjected to various French denunciation until it was replaced by the Movement for the Victory of Democratic Freed Freedoms in 1946. In this context, this research aims to highlight the various crises that have affected the Movement for the Triumph of Freedoms, which has paralysed the Algerian National Movement. Here, we have adopted a descriptive and analytical approach to the nature of these crises and their role in shaping military action. This research concluded that the crises of the Liberties Victory Movement resulted in the emergence of the milestones of revolutionary thought espoused by a few independence fighters through crucial historical stations, through which the first nucleus of the paramilitary wing was formed.


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How to Cite

Internal Crises of the Algerian Movement for the Victory of Democratic Freedoms and their Impact on the Development of Armed Action1946-1954. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(2), 269-292.

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