Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hafid Between the Realism of the Kurdish State and British


  • Saif Adnan Arhim AlIraqia University, College of Arts
  • sara kamal jasaam Ibn Rushd College of Education, University of Baghdad



Britain, World war, Kurdistan ,aleuthmaniiyn


Writing about the history of the Kurds through columns and Kurdish figures, who have a large share in the modern and contemporary history of Iraq, still requires a lot of research, exploration and departure from the norm in historical writing, especially Iraqi historians who may have written about the Kurdish movement in the absence of an independent Iraqi school concerned with writing about Some aspects of history that may not be compatible with the ruling institutions, especially since the formation of the Iraqi state on August 23, 1921 The choice of the character of Sheikh Mahmoud the grandson has many connotations, despite the numerous writings that dealt with the character of the grandson, but he needs to shed light and indicate his role in the Kurdish movement by continuing to be, above all, a unifying figure for the Kurds and their struggle to establish a Kurdish state after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, and some researchers believe That the grandson revolted against the Ottoman Empire, which he respected This respect came from an Islamic religious standpoint, not supporting the foreigner against the Muslim, and his participation with the Kurdish resistance fighters in Shuaiba is the best evidence.


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How to Cite

Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hafid Between the Realism of the Kurdish State and British. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(2), 293-309.

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