United States Oil Discovery, Regulation and Economic Employment 1859 -1918


  • Ammar Hussein Ali




Oil, discovery, American oil companies, economic importance, export


The discovery of oil in the United States of America in 1859 contributed to its technical development and industrial and economic excellence, as its oil companies, especially the company that operated Standard Oil, developed the means of extracting, refining, and exporting it, which monopolized the industry until 1911, when the Supreme Court ordered the dismantling of the company to several companies, following which it emerged. Five major American companies dominated the world's oil industry until the early 1950s, contributing to the development of the U.S. economy by increasing financial revenues by exporting oil to all countries in the world. The purpose of this study , "Oil in the United States of America: Discovery, Regulation, and Economic Employment, 1859–1918," is to point out the importance that the industry of oil is to the American economy. As a result, the study has been divided into four parts: part one, "The Beginning of the Discovery of Oil in the United States," part two, "The Founding of Standard Oil Company 1870–1911," and part three, "The Five Major American Oil Companies." In contrast, the final part, "The Economic Importance of Oil in the United States until the End of World War I,". This study relied on a variety of resources from abroad and the Arab world that are included towards the conclusion of this research.


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How to Cite

United States Oil Discovery, Regulation and Economic Employment 1859 -1918. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.36473/ujhss.v62i4.2220

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