The effect of rainy seasons on water harvesting in the Abu Kreisha Valley Basin, southeast of Wasit Governorate, using modern geographical techniques




: Water harvesting, storage and control projects, rainy seasons.


Basin the valley Abu Kreisha is one of the river valleys with modern developments. To determine the measurement of morphometric characteristics, which include the characteristics (area, shape, and topography) and hydrological characteristics in the Abu Kreisha Valley Basin, northeast of Ali Al-Gharbi district in Maysan Governorate, the program and the satellite visual sensor (Landsat) were used. 8-7), dated (2021-2023) and the digital elevation model for the year (2021) with a height of (8) m and using the program (ARCGIS-(HEC-GIS)-WMS-HEC-HEC-HAS4). The area of the basin was (79.2 km2), the length was (18.2 km), and the average width was (5.9 km), while the perimeter of the basin was (48.6) km, while the formal characteristics of the basin, especially the elongation ratio and... The roundness was recorded (0.96), the basin shape factor was recorded (0.21) and the ocean cohesion ratio was (1.06). It was found that there is a close relationship between the morphometric and hydrological characteristics of the basin. Therefore, the morphometric and hydrological characteristics had a role in providing Two proposals to take advantage of rain and flood water to store, control, and achieve economic feasibility.


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How to Cite

The effect of rainy seasons on water harvesting in the Abu Kreisha Valley Basin, southeast of Wasit Governorate, using modern geographical techniques. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(3), 194-216.

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