Earth warming and its impact on suspended dust in Iraq for the period (1991-2021)


  • Heba Ahmed Fakhri
  • salam Hatif Al-Jubouri



: terrestrial warming, suspended matter, gases that cause warming, water cover, vegetation


       The research aims to study the phenomenon of land warming and its impact on suspended dust in Iraq The study relied on the data of eight climate stations: (Mosul, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Rutba, Al-Hayy, Nasiriyah, Diwaniyah, Basra) for the period (1991-2021). The factors affecting warming and the frequency of dust phenomena were addressed through the analysis of satellite visualizations of both water cover and vegetation cover. It expanded the area of urban cover, which had the effect of increasing warming and the frequency of dust suspended in Iraq. To illustrate the relationship between warming as an independent factor represented by the average minimum and maximum temperatures It expanded the area of urban cover, which had the effect of increasing warming and the frequency of dust suspended in Iraq. To illustrate the relationship between warming as an independent factor represented by the average minimum and maximum temperatures.




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How to Cite

Earth warming and its impact on suspended dust in Iraq for the period (1991-2021). (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(1), 106-120.

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