The effect of geographical factors on the structure of Al – sakra village in Anah District


  • Jinan Sakr Abdul alqirghuli فلوجة



: the village , Geographic factors ,Al-Sakra, Qada, Anna


Climatic factors are among the most important characteristics affecting the composition of theiraqi village in general , including the villages of the western region of Iraq , so this research came to highlight the importance these characteristics and their role in settling the components of the village . the village of Al – Sakra is located in the district of Anah on its southern outskirts , and it is an integrated village in terms of urbanism and population . therefore , the researcher relied on the descriptive approach and the statistical approach in writing the parts of the research of field study and analysis to reach a true picture of the village of Al – Sakra and the uses it contains , especially those that come into contact with the citizen and his daily life . field data was obtained related related to the population , internal structure , urbanization , and the natural characteristics that control it in light of the harsh climate surround it , the research has reached of conclusions , including that the climate has a major role in the settlement of agriculture , which was able to face its harshness . As for the building materials , they are mostly modern building materials due to the dominance of the environment through cooling devices and the provision of Electrical energy . the research recommended paying attention to the health center and introducing medical devices because they serve a large segment of the population , whether within the village or the neighboring one , as well as paving transtportation roads state support farmers , introducing modern mechanization in agriculture through surrounding the village .


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How to Cite

The effect of geographical factors on the structure of Al – sakra village in Anah District. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(2), 172-200.

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