Geographical distribution of fetal deaths in Babylon province and its spatial analysis for the year 2021


  • Naji Jawad Abbas Ministry of Education / Babylon Education Directorate



(fetal mortality, diseases, nature of work, cluster analysis)


The research aims to reveal the magnitude of the phenomenon of fetal mortality and its spatial variation and spatial relationships causing it in Babylon Governorate for the year 2021, and to achieve this, the descriptive and analytical approach and the quantitative method were used, and the statistical bag (spss) was adopted. The research concluded that the phenomenon of fetal deaths in Babil Governorate for the year 2021 amounted to (1443) deaths, and their percentages varied at the level of administrative units, as the Hashemite District Center ranked first with a rate of (1.27%). While the Shomali district came in the last rank with a rate of (0.24%), and the percentages in the rest of the administrative units ranged between these two percentages. ) ranked last with a rate of (4.2%), and the percentages for the rest of the variables ranged between these two percentages.


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How to Cite

Geographical distribution of fetal deaths in Babylon province and its spatial analysis for the year 2021. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 239-263.

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