The Effectiveness of a Multi-Stage Adaptive of Testing by using the Delta Scoring Method


  • Prof. Redha Ameen Ghaleb Morgan College of Education - King Saud University- Suadia Arabia
  • Prof. Dr. Ismail Salameh Al-Bursan College of Education - King Saud University- Suadia Arabia



multistage adaptive testing, Delta-Scoring Method


This study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of multi-stage adaptive testing using the Delta- Scoring Method. The data resulting from the application of the Otis- Lennon Test of General Mental Ability (Figure J) was used on Ibb University students. The size of the staging sample was (1600) male and female students, and the data were graded using the Delta program. The adaptive testing sample consisted of (130) students, and the data of their responses were used in the adaptive testing, which consisted of four stages. The first stage consisted of five items, followed by the second, third and fourth stages, each of which consisted of five items as well. Then the score for each student in the four stages was cumulatively calculated, and it was compared to the student's estimated score from the written test with its eighty items. The results showed that the correlation coefficient between the estimated score from the adaptive test and the estimated score from the written test with its eighty items was (0.878), and the average difference in the estimated score was (5.728). The standard error of the mean was (0.096). In addition, the difference between the square root of the mean of the error squares in the mean was (0.053) which indicates the effectiveness of the adaptive testing built using the Delta method.


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How to Cite

The Effectiveness of a Multi-Stage Adaptive of Testing by using the Delta Scoring Method . (2023). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(2), 40-64.

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