Spatial patterns of agricultural land investment in Gammas Distric
التحليل العاملي. الاستثمار الزراعي. علاقةAbstract
The agricultural pattern is a classification process of agricultural phenomena, which share natural and human facts within the cadastral units represented by the administrative units represented here in the districts of the study area in the district of Ghammas, and that the large increase in population requires a corresponding increase in the agricultural aspect to achieve a balance between food and housing through land reclamation and raising the productivity of one acre of agricultural land, whether it is grain crops, vegetables or palm fruits, as well as the use of agricultural mechanization (modern) in agricultural land in addition to the use of improved seeds and fertilizers to raise soil fertility during the cultivation process as well as the use of irrigation methods in raising water levels in order to face many problems, including water scarcity and low soil fertility to come the method of the main components - factor analysis to measure the characteristics of agricultural investment in the study area through the use of a matrix saturation factors that showed five factors agricultural structures explain the total variance of variables to end the study with conclusions
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