Academic adjustment among the desire-oriented and non-desire-oriented students of the first year of high school students Afild study in some high school in the state of TIZI-OUZOU -ALGERIA-





academic adjustment, desire-oriented, non-desire-oriented, first year secondary students.


Abstract :

   This study aimed to find out the differences in academic adjustment between desire-oriented and non-desire-oriented  students of the first year of high school studying in, some secondary schools in the state of TIZI-OUZOU- ALGERIA.

   The sample of the study was (104) individuals, consisting of (68) with desire-oriented and (36) with non-desire-oriented registered in the academic year 2022/2023, they were rendomly selected by the stratified randomization method.

    The result of the current study reached the following conclusion :

  • There are statistically significant differences between the degrees of desire-oriented and non-desire-oriented with first year secondary students in academic adjustment in favor of desire-oriented. This means that the hypothesis has been fulfilled.

Keywords : academic adjustment, desire-oriented, non-desire-oriented, first year secondary students.



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قائمة المراجع:

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How to Cite

Academic adjustment among the desire-oriented and non-desire-oriented students of the first year of high school students Afild study in some high school in the state of TIZI-OUZOU -ALGERIA-. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 130-146.

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