انماط تعرض كتب العلماء للبيع بعد وفاتهم من القرن الثالث وحتى القرن التاسع الهجري : دراسة تاريخية- تحليلية


  • أ.د.هناء كاظم خليفة الجامعة المستنصرية/كلية الاداب/قسم التاريخ/العراق



الكلمات المفتاحية:

انماط، كتب ، نتائج


  ان فكرة البحث تدورحول مصير كتب العلماء التي بيعت بعد وفاتهم حصرا وما خاضته من مصيرومساهمتها في اغناء الحياة العلمية بطريقة او بأخرى، وهذا بطبيعة الحال فيه من الملاذ والمواساة لاصحابها الذين لم تكن لهم اية رغبة في بيعها بعد وفاتهم ولعلهم ارادوا ان يكافىأ الواحد منهم ببقاء مكتبته يستفاد طالب العلم منها دون اللجوء الى بيعها ، لان الكثير ممن باع الكتب تسببوا في ضياع جهد اصحابها وعلى العكس من ذلك فان البعض الاخر الذي التقط تلكم الكتب ووضعها بيد من يقدر قيمتها ويستفاد منها ،كما اختلف مكان بيع هذا الكتب بين الاسواق والقصور وحلقات خاصة للبيع ، وفي الوقت نفسه اختلف في المدة الزمنية لبيعها، ولا يخفى ان اثمانها تباينت كذلك وان الكثير الكثير من العلماء كانوا يدركون قيمة كتبهم فيعز عليهم بيعها في حياتهم ، ويتحسرون على ذلك الفعل ان اضطروا لبيعها لكنها بيعت مع الاسف رغما عنهم بعد وفاتهم.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


-Al-Jawhari: Ismail bin Hammad (d. 393 AH), Al-Sahih Taj Al-Lughah and Sahih Al-Arabiya, Verification: Ahmed Abdel-Ghafour Al-Attar, 4th edition, (Beirut-1987).

-Al-Hanbali: Abd al-Rahman ibn Shihab al-Din Ahmad al-Baghdadi (d. 795 AH), a tail on the Hanbali layers, (Beirut 1952).

-Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi: Ahmad bin Ali bin Thabit (d. 463 AH), Restricting the Knowledge, Verification: Yusuf Al-Ish, 2nd Edition, House of Revival of the Prophet’s Sunnah, 1974.

- The History of Baghdad, study and Verification: Mustafa Abdel Qader Atta, (Beirut – 1997).

- Al-Sakhawi: Shams Al-Din Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman (d. 902 AH), The Shining Light of the Ninth Century, (Beirut – 1992)

-Al-Dhahabi, Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Othman (d. 748 AH), the life of the nobles, supervision and graduation: Shuaib Al-Arnaout, Verification: Hussein Al-Assad, 9th edition, (Beirut-1993).

- The History of Islam and and the Deaths of Media, Verification: Dr. Omar Abdel Salam Tadmoury, (Beirut – 1987).

- Tadhkirat alhifaz (Beirut – N.D.)

- The summary of the history of Ibn al-Dibaithi, study and Verification: Mustafa Abdel Qader Atta, (Beirut -1997).

- Mizan aliaetidali Verification: Ali Muhammad Al-Bjawi, (Beirut – 1963 )

-Al-Samani: Abdul Karim bin Muhammad bin Mansour (d. 562 AH), genealogy, old and commentary: Abdullah Omar Al-Baroudi, (Beirut – 1988).

-Al-Suyuti: Jalal al-Din Abd al-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr (d. 911 AH), Tabaqat al-Mufassireen, (Beirut – N.D. ).

-Al-Safadi: Khalil bin Ibek (d. 764 AH), Al-Wafi in death, Verification: Ahmed Al-Arnaout and Turki Mustafa, (Beirut – 2002).

-Al-Qafti: Ali Bin Youssef (d. 642 AH), the narrators’ attention to the grammarians, achieved by: Muhammad Abu Al-Fadl Ibrahim, (Beirut - 2004).

- Al-Nawawi, Muhyi Al-Din Bin Sharaf (d. 676 AH), Al-Majmoo’, Dar Al-Fikr, N.D.

-Al-Yafi’i: Abdullah bin Asaad bin Ali bin Suleiman Al-Yamani Al-Makki (d.768 AH), the mirror of the heavens and the lesson of Al-Yaqzan, his footnotes: Khalil Al-Mansur, (Beirut – 1997 ).

- Al-zumakhshari: mahmud bn eumar ( d.538 AH) , 'asas albalaghat ,( alqahirat -1960).

-Ibn Abi Asba’a: (d. 668 AH), ‘Uyun al-Anba’ fi Tabaqat al-Taba’at, Verification by: Dr. Nizar Rida, (Beirut- N.D.).

-Ibn Taghri Bardi: Jamal al-Din Yusuf al-Atabki (d. 874 AH), the shining stars in the kings of Egypt and Cairo, (Cairo – N.D. ).

-Ibn Hajar: Ahmed bin Ali Al-Asqalani (d. 852 AH), Lisan Al-Mizan, 2nd Edition, (Beirut-1971 21-Ibn Khalkan: Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr (d. 681 AH), the deaths of notables and the news of the sons of time, Verification: Ihsan Abbas, (Lebanon - N.D.).

-Ibn Al-Damiati: Ahmed bin Aybak bin Abdullah Al-Husami (d. 749 AH), true: Mustafa Abdel Qader Atta, (Beirut – 1997 ).

-Ibn Shaheen Al-Baghdadi: Omar bin Ahmed bin Othman bin Ahmed (d. 385 AH), transcriber and abrogated hadith, Verification by: Dr. Karima bint Ali,( N.P. – N.D.).

-Ibn Asaker: Lee Ibn Al-Hasan Ibn Heba Allah Ibn Abdullah (d. 571 AH), the history of the city of Damascus, mentioning its virtues and naming those who resolved it from the analogues or passed through its areas from its importers and its people, achieved by: Ali Sherry, (Beirut-1415).

-Ibn Katheer: Abi Al-Fida Ismail Al-Dimashqi (d. 774 AH), the Beginning and the End, Verification by: Ali Sherry, (Beirut – 1988).

-Ibn Nasir al-Din: Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Qaisi al-Dimashqi (d. 842 AH), clarification of the suspects in seizing the names of the narrators, their genealogy, titles, and nicknames, Verification: Muhammad Na`im al-Araqussi, 2nd edition, (Beirut-1993).

-Ibn al-Nadim: Muhammad ibn Abi Yaqoub Ishaq (d. 438 AH), Ibn al-Nadim’s index, Verification: Rida - Tatjad, (Tehran-1971).

- Khalifa: Hajji (d. 1067 AH), Kashf al-Dounun about the names of books and arts, (Beirut – N.D.).

- Persian: Abd al-Ghafir ibn Ismail (d. 529 AH), The History of Nishapur, (Qom al-Sharif 1403).

- Wakee’: Muhammad bin Khalaf bin Hayyan (d. 306 AH), News of the Judges, Beirut- N.D.).

- Yaqoot al-Hamawi: (d. 626 AH), Dictionary of Literary Persons, 3rd Edition, (Beirut - 1980).




كيفية الاقتباس

انماط تعرض كتب العلماء للبيع بعد وفاتهم من القرن الثالث وحتى القرن التاسع الهجري : دراسة تاريخية- تحليلية. (2023). مجلة الاستاذ للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية, 62(1), 207-227. https://doi.org/10.36473/ujhss.v62i1.2044

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