Trotsky and his role in the revolution of 1905 - 1907 in Russian
Trotsky, the revolution, Russian.Abstract
Trotsky is dialectic and one of the most important thinkers of socialist thought in modern times. He is a distinguished preacher and influential writer in the labor movements that undermined the cesarean section of Russian both in the Revolution of 1905 and in the revolution of 1917. The research in its first part included the birth and origin of Trotsky ,The second part emphasized Trotsky's political activism until the end of 1898, his joining a group of revolutionaries, The third axis focused on Trotsky's intellectual activity until the dissolution of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, where he joined in Siberia with the stream of socialist democratic ideas and became a leader in his own name, While the fourth axis dealt with the issue of splitting the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The fifth axis dealt with Trotsky's role in the Russian revolution of 1905-1907, his leadership of this revolution and his contribution to supporting workers' councils throughout Russia.