National Identity in speeches and conversations of Abdul Karim Qasim (1958-1963)


  • Dr.Ghsoon Mazhar Hussain Mazhar Hussain مركز المستنصرية للدراسات العربية والدولية قسم الدراسات التاريخية



العراق , عبدالكريم قاسم, الهوية الوطنية , الجمهورية


In this research, we address the national identity in the ideas of Abdel-Kareem Qassem, which he emphasized and emphasized through his speeches and speeches on various occasions. National identity means public order in society according to a moral principle within a cohesive community fabric, as well as awareness of " In the love of the homeland and loyalty to him and sacrifice in his way, "as emphasized by Abdul KarimQassem, Abdul KarimQassim printed the policy of the Government of the revolution in its own character, values ​​and principles that he believed in and seeks to achieve, his political principles were clear fundamental embraced and derived from the need of people and their suffering, It has been t The principles are on the tongues of political blocs, parties, individuals and conscious figures, echoing them in their councils and speaking to them on every occasion to express their opinions. These principles were not necessarily based on political philosophy or ideas absorbed by political bulletins and


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How to Cite

National Identity in speeches and conversations of Abdul Karim Qasim (1958-1963). (2018). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 226(2), 193-206.