Rooting of Structures by Muhammad Al-Aboudi in (Dictionary of Eloquent Origins of Colloquial Terms): Analysis and Evaluation.


  • Riyadh Mohammad Odeh Hamad University of Baghdad / College of Education – Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences
  • Ahmed Ashour Jaaz University of Baghdad / College of Education – Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences



Najdi dialect, Al-Aboudi, buildings, success.


Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and May blessings and peace be upon the Imam of the pious, his good and pure family, and his chosen companions, and after: Authors of Arabic colloquial language have always sought to search for the eloquent origin from which colloquial words derived their structure and meaning. Al-Abode’s approach in rooting colloquial words in Najd does not deviate from this approach. In this research, I will look at words in which Muhammad Nasser Al-Abode did not succeed in knowing their eloquent origin, or what is possible with more than one origin to which the colloquial expression goes back, but the author is certain that they return to this origin and not other potentially correct origins. They are as follows: 


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Author Biography

  • Ahmed Ashour Jaaz, University of Baghdad / College of Education – Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences

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How to Cite

Rooting of Structures by Muhammad Al-Aboudi in (Dictionary of Eloquent Origins of Colloquial Terms): Analysis and Evaluation. (2025). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 64(1), 107-124.

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