Artificial Intelligence and teachers' sustainability :Preschool teachers' perceptions of conditions and level of support for Professional Development in Early Childhood Special Education


  • Rana Saleh Alghamdi
  • Amr Mahmoud Mohamed
  • Tahany Sabry Shaaban



Professional Development Programs, Early Childhood, Special Education, Saudi Teachers


The purpose of this research is to explore Saudi early childhood special education (ECSE) teachers' attitudes towards professional development programs in ECSE. For this reason, survey data was obtained from 30 Saudi ECSE teachers who worked in Saudi Arabian early childhood stages, and then an interview was conducted with five of them to find out their training needs and the challenges they face. The researchers used the qualitative technique, which included a pre-survey and interviews. An online questionnaire was provided to the participants in order to examine their impressions of the professional development programs and assess their judgments of the success of these programs. The findings indicated teachers' positive impressions of these programs, as they regard them as useful tools that can help them get their teaching license. Therefore, participants perceived professional development programs to be valuable and capable of assisting and improving their teaching skills. These findings imply that prioritizing professional development programs for early childhood teachers in Saudi Arabia may result in greater proficiency as well as the capacity to overcome the requisite teaching license. The research ends with recommendations for further research on how to improve professional development programs to better fulfill the necessities of teachers.


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How to Cite

Artificial Intelligence and teachers’ sustainability :Preschool teachers’ perceptions of conditions and level of support for Professional Development in Early Childhood Special Education . (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 332-357.

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