Islamic media in Arjuza ( system f behevier ) by Al-Malzuzi (1297/697 AD)


  • Ikhlas Khaleid Abd Al-Jalaali The Iraqi University/ College of Islamic sciences



Abdel Aziz Al-Malzouzi Al-Arjouza, media, Islamic media


The media of the lslamic was a tongue of call was expressed it, and this concept promotes the spread news and information within the lslsmic community quickly in line with the educational natural of lslam .The necessity of searching for namely knowledge in GOds saying (I read) is alive and renewed in peoples souls, which indicates the media natural of the lslamic religion.

In this study, we will explain the lslamic media in (Arjouza, Systems of Behavior in the Prophets, Caliphs, and Kings) by the poet Abdul Aziz AI-Malzuzi,poet of marinid-Berber state, which carries various lslamic media messages.

In the seventh century AH and the thirteenth century AD, the Arab maghreb witnessed a significant in crease in the literary movement, in addition to the encouragement of the Moroccan sultans and their princes for writers and poets in their state, as a manifestation of the intellectual and cultural movement in the country. The Sultans of Banu Marin greatly patronized poets and writers, as they reached a prominent position. In the state, they even held important positions, such as the position of hisbah held by AI- Malzuzi, the owner of the Arjuza. 

Arjuza of the code of Behavior is an important lslamic historical, literary, and informational document. Because it dealt with religious and lslamic concepts by citing verses from the Holy Quran and mentioning the stoeies of the prophets and following the example of religous figures who document and spread lslam and its beliefs and values that it ststed. 

The study aims to reveal the features of lslamic media, highlight the aesthetic, religious and moral values of this media, and explain its nature. 


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Author Biography

  • Ikhlas Khaleid Abd Al-Jalaali, The Iraqi University/ College of Islamic sciences

    M.Dr. Ekhlas khalid abed aljalali


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How to Cite

Islamic media in Arjuza ( system f behevier ) by Al-Malzuzi (1297/697 AD). (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(3), 140-165.

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