Muslim scholars in China(Radwan Liu Lin Roy is a model)


  • Leqaa shaker Khatar Sharifi جامعه بغداد



Ridwan, China, Arabic language, Muslims, Chenganda School


The study of personalities is one of the important topics in writing history, especially those personalities who had a pivotal role in political, economic, social and cultural life, as the scholar Ridwan Liu Lin Rui (1917-1995 AD) is considered one of the Chinese Muslim scholars who played a major role in spreading science. Arabic and Islamic in China by extending the roots of communication and knowledge between the two cultures. This is in addition to being one of the founding pioneers who officially transferred the teaching of the Arabic language from the ancient mosque education to formal higher education in China. Hence the idea of research came to shed light on his biography and his scientific and intellectual efforts that made him respected by the Arab and Chinese worlds alike.


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How to Cite

Muslim scholars in China(Radwan Liu Lin Roy is a model). (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(3), 109-139.

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