Spatial Distribution of Rural Settlement Patterns in Dar Al-Salam District at Governorate of Diyala for the Year 2022


  • Afraa Ahmed Abd Diyala University



Rural Settlements, Geography of Settlement


     The research aimed to identify the reality of the spatial distribution of rural settlements in Dar Al-Salaam district at Governorate of Diyala for the year 2022. The research included in its introduction, the limits of the research area, its problem and hypothesis, and its purpose, as well as the importance of the research and data sources. It was found through the results of the research that the number of districts reached (14) rural districts in Dar Al-Salaam district, and each district has a number of rural villages, where the number of villages reached (37) rural villages, and there are villages without Population reaching (2) rural village. It is shown through spatial distribution and field survey there are distribution patterns of villages represented by the linear pattern (longitudinal), which reached the number of villages (16 rural villages) of the total rural settlements in the research area, either the villages that took the pattern settled by the clustered pattern (convergent), which amounted to (12 rural villages) of the total rural settlements in the search area. Finally, the villages that have a pattern of stability pattern divergent (diffuse) numbered (10 rural villages) of the total Rural settlements in the research area, and a statement of the impact of natural determinants and human determinants on the distribution and stability of rural settlement in the Dar Al-Salaam district.


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How to Cite

Spatial Distribution of Rural Settlement Patterns in Dar Al-Salam District at Governorate of Diyala for the Year 2022. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 56-71.

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