The position of ancient and contemporary critics on prose-related issues


  • Torj Zaini Wind



Arabic prose, Arabic criticism, artistic prose, prose criticism


This study explores the opinions of ancient and contemporary critics on the issues related to Arabic prose. Given the importance of all forms of Arabic prose in the development of the Arab though and the development of Islamic civilization, this analytic-descriptive research aims to analyze the opinions of these critics about prose and also seeks to compare their critical opinions. The research concludes that ancient critics did not offer scientific or lengthy opinions about literary criticism since their primary focus was on poetry. On the contrary, contemporary critics believe that prose is the origin of science and thought and the language of civilization, society, science, culture, and politics. They have examined prose-related issues from various viewpoints, which is a clear distinction between them and their predecessors.


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How to Cite

The position of ancient and contemporary critics on prose-related issues. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 166-175.

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