Opposition as a Stylistic Feature in the Poem (La ankuthan biwaedi ethan) by Salim Barakat





Stylistics, Linguistic Level, Deviation, Opposition, Rhetorical Level


This research focuses on a literary text titled Opposition as a Stylistic Feature in the Poem "(La ankuthan biwaedi ethan) by Salim Barakat, the Kurdish-Syrian poet. It is a stylistic analysis aimed at exploring the linguistic, semantic, and rhetorical coherence of opposition within the poetic text. The motivation behind selecting this research lies in the attempt to establish a new rhetorical project centered around the poet Salim Barakat, using this poem as a means to reach Arab stylistic standards. Research Objectives:To examine the linguistic, semantic, and rhetorical styles that characterize Salim Barakat's language, revealing the stylistic features that set him apart from others. To highlight the importance of stylistic application in analyzing the poetic discourse of "I Shall Certainly Fulfill My Promise" by Salim Barakat, uncovering its secrets and exploring its deeper structure. Research Methodology:The researcher will adopt a descriptive-analytical and stylistic approach, focusing on the analysis and interpretation of texts to reveal their objective and artistic characteristics. Research Plan: This study includes an introduction, a preface, and three sections as follows:The introduction covers the research problem, reasons for selecting the topic, its significance, objectives, methodology, and research plan. The preface: an introduction to the life of the poet. The first section: opposition at the linguistic level. The second section: opposition at the semantic level. The third section: opposition at the rhetorical level. Conclusion: including the key findings, recommendations, and a bibliography of sources and references. I ask God for success and guidance in this humble effort, for success comes only from Him.


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How to Cite

Opposition as a Stylistic Feature in the Poem (La ankuthan biwaedi ethan) by Salim Barakat. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(4), 62-80. https://doi.org/10.36473/gt81je69

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