Evaluating The Performance Of Social Studies Teachers In The Secondary Stage According To The Comprehensive Quality Standards
Keywords: performance evaluation - social studies - comprehensive quality.Abstract
The current research aims to identify "evaluating the performance of social studies teachers in the secondary stage according to the comprehensive quality standards" To achieve the research goal, the researcher followed the descriptive approach (survey study). The original research community consists of all social studies teachers in the secondary stage (middle and preparatory schools) for the academic year 2023/2024 AD, numbering (722) male and female teachers, at a rate of (20%) of the original research community (Directorate of Education of Rusafa / 3), with (105) male and female teachers in middle schools and (39) male and female teachers in preparatory schools. In order to evaluate the performance of social studies teachers, the researcher prepared a questionnaire to collect information and data through his review, reading the literature and previous studies, and the standards prepared in The field of various specializations that dealt with comprehensive quality, and consulting some experts and arbitrators, and in light of that, a list of criteria was determined with sub-indicators for each criterion that must be available to secondary school teachers (intermediate - preparatory) distributed over (5) criteria represented by the standard of ethics of the teaching profession, which includes (8) sub-indicators - and the standard of lesson planning skill, which includes (9) sub-indicators - and the standard of lesson implementation skill, which includes (10) sub-indicators - and the standard of mastery of the scientific material, which includes (8) sub-indicators - and the evaluation standard, which includes (9) sub-indicators). The researcher adopted the Likert method in preparing the questionnaire paragraphs, which consisted of a total of (44) paragraphs, the validity of which was confirmed by presenting them to a group of arbitrators specialized in education, educational psychology, measurement and evaluation, and teaching methods, as it obtained the approval of more than (80%) of the opinions of the arbitrators and specialists, and its stability was confirmed by re-applying the questionnaire, two weeks after the initial application of the questionnaire, where it reached (82%), and this result indicates that the percentage of The reliability is high. The researcher used the weighted mean, the percentage weight, and the chi-square to process the data statistically. The results showed a difference between the two stages, as the standard of teaching ethics in the intermediate stage and the standard of mastery of the scientific material in the preparatory stage received first place, and the standard of evaluation in the intermediate stage and the standard of teaching planning in the preparatory stage received last place. Many social studies teachers, male and female, do not have the ability to diversify teaching methods.
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