Similarity and contrast in the poetry of Abdul-Ilah Al-Yasiri for his poetry collection “Roots of Dawn”


  • Shaima Adel Jaafar جامعة بغداد



morphology, contrast, semiotics, criticism


    Arabic poetry expresses new poetic visions and artistic techniques, which are addressed with modern critical trends. Among these trends is semiotics, which appeared after the decline of structuralism, to occupy the forefront of modern critical studies, but it appeared in a new guise based on the approaches accompanying the poetic text, especially in the process of analysis and deconstruction. The text is based on procedural principles in order to reveal the deep level interested in studying the morphology and stabilizing its semantic value And semiology, which is similar to or contrasts with the surrounding signs in the field of discourse analysis. And to determine the extent to which Abdul-Ilah al-Yasiri’s poetry responded to the theories of semiotics, and to identify with its starting points and the extent of influence and influence whose features became clear in the texts of the poetic collection, in which the extents of change that occurred in the Arabic poem became clear, and the literary text is able to respond to the requirements of contemporary criticism.


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How to Cite

Similarity and contrast in the poetry of Abdul-Ilah Al-Yasiri for his poetry collection “Roots of Dawn”. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(2), 48-63.

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