The effectiveness of a training program to provide the children of Diyala Governorate with traffic culture vocabulary, “a community study”


  • Asmaa Abbas Aziz Aldulaimy Childhood and Maternal Research Center
  • Abbas Hussein Ali General Traffic Directorate



/ Training program - children - traffic culture - community study - Diyala Governorate


     Traffic accidents that began with the invention of the first vehicle are still increasing, and they cause people to lose their lives or become disabled, in addition to material losses. Also, the increase in bicycles of all kinds and people of young ages driving them has led to an increase in accidents on secondary internal roads, not just the main streets. Because the researcher conducted a study to identify the level of traffic culture among children in Diyala Governorate, the results showed that they do not have traffic awareness and do not possess traffic culture vocabulary, and because providing children with traffic culture vocabulary helps in creating a generation that is aware of traffic rules and laws and how to deal with vehicles on the roads and streets, and also contributes to increasing awareness. Traffic for an age group is the foundation of society and its future, and it is important for preserving the security of the family and society in the present and in the future. Therefore, the researchers decided to conduct this research to answer the question.

     Is there an effectiveness of a training program in acquiring traffic cultural vocabulary for children in Diyala Governorate? In order to achieve the goal of the research, the researchers prepared a program of video situations of real children for each paragraph of the traffic culture scale. Then the researchers applied the program to the research sample specified for the experimental group. The research came out with results including the effectiveness of the training program and the stability of its effect.

     Therefore, the researchers recommended that traffic safety committees In primary, middle and middle schools, students are trained every year on traffic culture vocabulary to create a conscious generation and reduce accidents. They proposed conducting experimental studies for training programs for students to learn the art and ethics of driving.




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How to Cite

The effectiveness of a training program to provide the children of Diyala Governorate with traffic culture vocabulary, “a community study”. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(1), 144-165.

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