Developing the (MSCEIT) Emotional Intelligence Test Using the One-Parameter Rasch Model.
MSCEIT Test, Emotional Intelligence, Rasch Model, One- Parameter, Item Response TheoryAbstract
The research aimed to develop the (MSCEIT) test for emotional intelligence in children by Mayer and Salovey (1999), using the Rasch single-parameter model of item response theory, for children aged (4-11) years. Therefore, the descriptive analytical approach was adopted to achieve its objectives, where the test was applied, which includes (49) items classified into three sub-tests, which are: the ability to perceive emotions (18) items, understanding emotions (21) items, managing emotions (19) items, and the examinee who responds to the item correctly is given one score, while zero is given for the wrong answer. A random cluster sample of (1225) children was appointed, of whom (661) were boys and (564) were girls.
To achieve the objectives of the research, the assumptions of the Item response theory were verified through the indicators of factor analysis, internal consistency, and internal correlations between the dimensions of the test. It was found that the one-dimensionality of the test was achieved as one of the assumptions of the theory, as the results showed the achievement of the assumption of one-dimensionality and local independence.
The results of the statistical analysis using the (MULTIOG.7) program showed that the estimates of the difficulty of the Items ranged between (1.41-logit) and (+1.48 logit), which indicates that the difficulty index of the Items was appropriate, and the statistical analysis of using the Rasch model did not result in the exclusion of any Item, as it was within the acceptable limits of the approved standards. With these results, the researcher found the effectiveness of the Rasch model to develop the (MSCEIT) test for emotional intelligence in children.
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