Restructuring Colleges of Education in Yemeni Universities A Modern Necessity in Light of Global Trends and Experiences Proposed Framework


  • Mohammed Saleh Hasan Al-Batri College of Education, of Sada University Modern Specialized University -Yemen Republic



restructuring - Colleges of Education - proposed vision.


The study aimed to restructure the faculties of education in Yemeni of university and restructuring, examining teacher preparation programs in colleges of education both globally and locally, in areas related to objectives, system and components of preparation, field education, admission policies, employment requirements, and practice of the profession. It also aimed to highlight the main issues facing the colleges of education at the local level. To achieve this, the "documentary approach" was used, relying on the analysis and survey of educational literature, studies, research, references, and relevant websites, along with utilizing an observation tool based on the researcher’s experience as a faculty member for several years, including employing a "comparative approach :Here is the translation of your text into English:To draw conclusions, 'the critical approach' to the reality of colleges of education has resulted in several findings that generally emphasize the role of the variables of the times, both locally and globally, as a motive and justification for restructuring colleges of education due to the obsolescence of the goals, structure, systems, components, programs, and admission policies of colleges of education in Yemeni universities compared to global trends and practices in developed countries. It was found that national colleges of education are limited to the integrated system according to the two-semester system, and the educational component is deferred to the third and fourth years, with its various courses being offered." Here’s the translation of the provided text into English: Just as if they were separate materials from one another, following an open-door policy for admission and accepting students with average and poor levels without measuring the applicants' abilities and their inclination towards the teaching profession. Additionally, there is a lack of a system for practicing the profession. The study concluded with a proposed vision for restructuring the Colleges of Education in Yemeni universities, which includes the philosophy, foundations, goals, executive procedures, requirements for achievement, and obstacles.


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How to Cite

Restructuring Colleges of Education in Yemeni Universities A Modern Necessity in Light of Global Trends and Experiences Proposed Framework. (2025). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 64(1), 190-214.

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