Integrating e-learning and attendance for literature (the impact of the Noble Qur’an on Abdullah bin Rawahah’s poetry as a model) in light of the new Corona pandemic


  • antisar musrhid Ali General Directorate of Education in Diyala



blended learning (electronic - in person), Arabic literature, Abdullah bin Rawahah


Abstract: This study aimed to build a questionnaire to familiarize yourself with the blended learning (electronic - physical) in teaching Arabic literature from the point of view of the preparatory stage students in the Babil Preparatory School for Girls in the education of Baladruz. The number of (85) female students of the fourth year of middle school, and the (honesty and reliability) of the questionnaire were extracted by using the law of (Pearson's simple correlation) and (Alpha Cronbach's coefficient of values). The researcher used the (T.Test) test and the hypothetical mean; In order to identify the differences towards the advantages and disadvantages of blended education, the results of the research showed a questionnaire consisting of (31) items distributed over the two fields of study, namely: (the advantages and disadvantages of blended education). teachers from the Ministry of Education towards blended education, including them in training courses on the methods of its use, and educating female students on the necessity of using blended learning technology in teaching literature; For its positive results in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Integrating e-learning and attendance for literature (the impact of the Noble Qur’an on Abdullah bin Rawahah’s poetry as a model) in light of the new Corona pandemic. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(3), 242-263.

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