Modeling of automated cartographic generalization of agricultural land uses (for visual molasses elimination) using GIS


  • Ismail Fadel Khamis Mustafa Tikrit University
  • Mohannad Faleh Kzar shanon Tikrit University



modeling, automated generalization, geographic information systems, visual Land sat 8, Daquq, cartographic generalization



      This research focused on the modeling of automated cartographic generalization within the Daquq region as well as the signed codes for agricultural land uses in the study area within the Kirkuk governorate and for various drawing scales. To achieve the goal of the study, the research relied on two approaches. The first is the inductive approach aimed at extrapolating objects to reveal the interrelationships of signature patterns while making generalizations, the second is the quantitative analysis approach, which uses the technical method of modeling generalized digital maps according to drawings of various scales or using some quantitative statistical methods necessary for the cartographic generalization process. The research has found the possibility of generalizing cartographic models for this region and with different drawing scales to solve many problems in modeling cartographic generalization.



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How to Cite

Modeling of automated cartographic generalization of agricultural land uses (for visual molasses elimination) using GIS. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(1), 17-40.

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