The effect of instructional design according to Neural Branching Strategies for Acquisition of biological concepts and analytical thinking skills for the third intermediate grade students


  • Haifa Adnan Maikhan
  • Haifa Ghazi Mohamed



Neural Branching strategies, biological concepts, analytical thinking skills.


       The aim of the research is to identify the impact of instructional design According to Neural Branching strategies for Acquisition of biological concepts and analytical thinking skills for the third intermediate grade students, To achieve the objective of the research, the researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control, The research sample consisted of (62) students from the third intermediate grade, (32) students in the experimental group who studied according to the instructional design of divergent thinking strategies, and (30) students in the control group who studied according to the usual method, Equivalence was made between the two groups in some variables (age, intelligence, past information, and analytical thinking). The researcher prepared two research tools, which are (a test of acquiring biological concepts, and atest of analytical thinking skills), and their psychometric properties were confirmed, The researcher applied the two tests to the two research groups, The results showed that the students of the experimental group outperformed the students of the control group in acquiring biological concepts and analytical thinking skills.


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How to Cite

The effect of instructional design according to Neural Branching Strategies for Acquisition of biological concepts and analytical thinking skills for the third intermediate grade students. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 213-238.

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