The judiciary in Andalusia in the Umayyad era Ahmed Mohamed Hamad Al-Mashhadani


  • Ahmed Muhammad Hamad



the judiciary, Andalusia, the Umayyad era, the police, the muhtaseb


One of the foundations of great states and civilizations is justice and equality before the judiciary between the ruler and the ruled . Therefore,the Arab Islamic state gave the institution of the judiciary great attention, and the importance of the judiciary and the establishment of justice . The first to practice the judiciary were the caliphs and princes, then the judges . positive laws entered into rulings,and the choice of the judge was based on certain qualities in the judge, including knowledge , religion, asceticism, good manners, and others. Due to the greatness of the judiciary, many scholars and jurists evaded its designation, and among the prevailing institutions of the judiciary were the police and the muhtaseb, and the police had different divisions according to the specialization and the muhtasib. The great role in guiding people and carrying out instructions, and the Arab Islamic state has paid great attention to all those institutions in Andalusia and elsewhere .                                                             


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How to Cite

The judiciary in Andalusia in the Umayyad era Ahmed Mohamed Hamad Al-Mashhadani. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 72-90.

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