Problems of agricultural production and methods of addressing them to achieve agricultural development in Diyala Governorate


  • Tahseen Hadi Rmeid



agricultural production, production processing, agricultural development, Diyala Governorate


.The study was a review of the problems of agricultural production in the province of Diyala and methods of addressing them, to achieve agricultural growth, by developing appropriate solutions to these problems, as the study area has the ingredients for a distinguished renaissance capable of achieving self-sufficiency, in the event of adopting an agricultural policy supported by legislative and financial procedures, and improving agricultural supplies, Taking care of livestock, addressing the problem of desertification and drought, and taking care of agricultural investments. The study reached a number of results, most notably: the need for state intervention in providing the necessary agricultural supplies, enacting laws and legislation to invest agricultural lands, preserving the environment, and restoring its productive capacity.


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How to Cite

Problems of agricultural production and methods of addressing them to achieve agricultural development in Diyala Governorate. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 23-36.

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