The extent of achieving life satisfaction for families of children with multiple disabilities In Tubas Governorate in light of some variables


  • Atef Sabri Awad Al-Quds Open University / Palestine



: Life satisfaction, Children with multiple disabilities, Tubas Governorate.


This study aimed to identify (The extent to which life satisfaction is achieved for families of children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate in light of some variables), and after enumerating the study population, the researcher selected the study sample by a simple random method, and it consisted of (50) families who have children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate. The researcher also prepared the study tool (the questionnaire), and then verified it by reviewing it linguistically, and presenting it to a group of reviewers specialized in this field at Al-Quds Open University, in order to ensure its validity, reliability, and validity by measuring the purposes of the study. After preparing it in its final form, it was distributed to members of the study sample, which numbered (50) families, where it was then processed using the (SPSS) program.

The results of the study showed that:

The total score for the first dimension (the dimension of happiness among families of children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate) was average, with an arithmetic mean of (3.35).

The total score for the second dimension (the social dimension among families of children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate) was average with a arithmetical average of (3.428).

The total score for the third dimension (dimension of reassurance among families of children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate) was average, with a arithmetical average of (2.823).

The total score for the fourth dimension (the dimension of psychological stability among families of children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate) was average, with an arithmetic mean of (3.326).

The total score for the fifth dimension (after social appreciation for families of children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate) was average, with a arithmetical mean of (3.21).

The total score for the sixth dimension (the dimension of contentment among families of children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate) was average, with an arithmetic average of (3.766).

The results also showed:

There are no statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≤0.05) regarding the extent of achieving life satisfaction for families of children with multiple disabilities in Tubas Governorate due to the variables (gender, age, educational qualification, monthly income).

Keywords: Life satisfaction, Children with multiple disabilities, Tubas Governorate


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How to Cite

The extent of achieving life satisfaction for families of children with multiple disabilities In Tubas Governorate in light of some variables. (2025). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 64(1), 1-23.

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