Religion according to Jurgen Habermas


  • akhilas jawad Ali Mir 2023



الكلمات المفتاحية :هابرماس ، الاعتقاد الديني ،العلمانية ، التحولات الفكرية .


After introducing the assumption that religion exists in contemporary liberal societies by the German thinker Jürgen Habermas. The research proceeded into two research aspects: the first: Habermas and the reasons framed by the moderation of religious belief, in several starting points. The most important of which is the reality of European societies after it dominated the reality of life paths in them, leading to (postmodern philosophy), which was adopted by French philosophers such as Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, and others, in a period of more than two decades. And the tribulations and misfortunes it brought to the conditions of European societies. The second aspect: the stages of development of Habermas’s thought for the moderation of religious belief, and the ways to achieve its application. Through consensual means guided by the mind, through dialogues and discussions to reach social harmony, to achieve happiness. After all that, there was a conclusion, which included a brief presentation of the religious intellectual principles and the results we reached.


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How to Cite

Religion according to Jurgen Habermas. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(2), 64-83.

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