Visual Rhythm in the Poetry of Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Muqalih
Visual rhythm, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Muqalih's poetryAbstract
This research explores the techniques of visual rhythm in the poetry of Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Muqalih and examines the relationship between these visual techniques and their significance. The study focuses on the utilization of visual rhythm in Al-Muqalih's poetry, specifically analyzing key visual techniques such as black and white imagery, undulation, omission, fragmentation, embodiment, text titles and footnotes, and punctuation marks. The findings of the research are as follows:
- Al-Muqalih displays a tendency to diversify the rhythmic structure of his poetry, employing various forms of visual rhythm.
- Visual rhythm serves as an active rhythmic element in embodying the poetic experience in Al-Muqalih's works.
- Al-Muqalih's employment of visual rhythm techniques is not haphazard but emerges from his poetic experience, reflecting a conscious awareness of these rhythmic techniques that is free from artificiality.
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