Semantic Analysis of "Humility in Prayer": A Study on the Second Verse of Surah al-Mu'minun


  • Ali Andideh Gulf of Pers University, Bushehr, Iran
  • Mohammad Jafar Sadeghpor Shahr-e Kord University, Shahr-e Kord, Iran
  • Hossein Faqih Gulf of Pers University, Bushehr, Iran



Humility, humility of heart, humility of limbs, prayer, prayerful, commentators, imami jurisprudence


Surah al-Mu'minun presents seven different attributes for the faithful. This surah promises salvation and paradise to those characterized by these attributes. The first attribute, i.e., humility in prayer, is prioritized over other attributes due to its significance. One should refer to the books of interpretation to understand the deep meaning of humility. According to Islamic commentators, this Qur'anic interpretation is presented in two areas: humility of heart (aljavanehi) and humility of limbs (aljavarehi). Each of these two areas has different fields and layers of meaning, such as fear and humiliation, mindfulness, presence of the heart, faith, sincerity, staring at the ground, not caring or attention to the surroundings, and avoidance of playfulness and vanity. Examining them can significantly help the seekers of the truth to take steps to attribute to the attributes of believers. According to the demands of the Holy Quran, the Imami jurists have expressed a particular fatwa to make this divine attribute current in the framework of Islamic society


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المصادر والمراجع

قرآن کریم

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How to Cite

Semantic Analysis of "Humility in Prayer": A Study on the Second Verse of Surah al-Mu’minun. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(1), 197-209.

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