Multi-Faceted Pronunciations in the Name of Majesty (Allah)‎


  • Dr. Iktifa Matar ‎Sherbak Minsitry of Education - Iraq



تعدد الأوجه النطقية, لفظ الجلالة



         None of the names of (Allah) were distinguished by a number of matters that no other names could share with it, including: magnifying and diluting its letter ‘lam’. As the reciters and grammarians are unanimously agreed to exaggerate the ‘lam’ in the name of Majesty if it was after the diacritical marks the ‘fathah’ and the ‘dammah’, and to dilute it if it was after the ‘kasrah’ due to overburdening. However, there are places in which the two sides are explained in this research, in which: some of its rulings arise from the composition; and the ‘lam’ of name of Majesty is followed by the accentuation or dilution when it adjoins other sounds, some of which are magnified, and it has the right to dilute, depending on the influence of the nature of the synthesized audio context. In this study, the focus will be on the points of magnification and dilution, and the consequent multiplicity of pronunciations in the name of Majesty, with an explanation of the reasons that called for the multiplicity of rulings as well as the stance on the points of extension in which more than one way is permissible.


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How to Cite

Multi-Faceted Pronunciations in the Name of Majesty (Allah)‎. (2022). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 61(2), 71-82.

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