Developing An Arabic Version of Positive Irrational Beliefs ‎Scale(PIBS) On a Non-Clinical Sample In The Environmentin Saudi ‎Arabia


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Lakhdar ‎ Roubi ‎ University of M'sila, Algeria.
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Qahtani Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia



Scale, Positive Irrational Beliefs Scale(PIBS)‎


The research aimed to localize of the Positive Irrational Beliefs Scale (PIBS), codify and investigate them in the Saudi environment, and to derive performance standards, so that they can be relied upon in helping individuals to make an indicative and academic decision The research sample reached (732) individuals, with an average age of (30.59) and a standard deviation of (12.18)  where the results of the first experimental sample indicated that the positive irrational belief scale (PIBS) is characterized by stability and stability, where the stability coefficients of Cronbach's alpha ranged between (0.79 - 0.83) The validity coefficients for the internal consistency between the dimension and the total score of the scale were between (0.69-0.87), and all were statistically significant at the level of significance (α = 0.01), and the results of the global analysis of the scale showed that the four factors of the scale explained the variance of (40.19%). And that the paragraphs were saturated on their factors. The confirmatory analysis showed that the Comparative Match Index (CFI) reached (0.878), and in McDonald's Omega’s languages ​​between (0.91-0.92), the performance criteria for the scale were derived according to gender and age. The research indicates the availability of acceptable psychometric properties of the Positive Irrational Beliefs Scale (PIBS) in the Saudi environment.


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How to Cite

Developing An Arabic Version of Positive Irrational Beliefs ‎Scale(PIBS) On a Non-Clinical Sample In The Environmentin Saudi ‎Arabia. (2022). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 61(3), 81-105.

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