Thinking and relation of self-regulation of Art College students\ firs tgrade


  • م. د. أزهار محمد مجيد السباب جامعة بغداد/ كلية الآداب - قسم علم النفس



The thinking is a mental cognitive and emotional process ,builds on
thepsychological operations outcome which is one of the key factors
insolving problems and avoiding dangers in human life that can controlover many
things and driven to his favor, the positive thinking convertsall feeling and
experience in what suitable his needs , thus the selfregulation students is
characterized that they have many ways to organizetheir motivation as putting the
goals appropriate to their abilities andcircumstances surrounding the possibility
of amending theircircumstances, there has been no change in the surrounding
environmentand on the other hand, at least the students in the self-regulation
adoptedrealistic goals larger than their abilities and put very low roof for theirgoals , the
importance of the research is show that positive thinking isborn of self-convictions that
help an individual to solve problems throughself-control, organization and evaluate
wisely, which helps to adapt to theenvironment. The research aims to the following :
Positive and negative thinking and organizing reliance among students ofthe College of
Arts \ first grade for the academic year 2016 to identifythe statistically significant
differences in the positive and negativethinking and organizing self students
of first grade according to thevariable section (Psychology - Philosophy) and
identify the relationshipbetween the positive and negative thinking and organizing self
amongstudents . The sample of the research of 100 students \ first stage (Psychology
andPhilosophy Department) randomly selected sample were distributed to 50from each
section and by 25 boy and 25 girl students , the measure waspreparing to think
about the positive and negative, consists of 60paragraph (30) Positive
paragraph and 30 negative paragraph as a fivedimensions according to the three
alternatives (apply , apply sometimes, do not apply) , it has been adopted of
self-regulation as Jabourimeasure2010 which consists of four dimensions according
to the threealternatives (1-2-3) , after extracting the validity and reliability
andapplication on the research sample, the researcher found that the firstgrade
students have a positive thinking and self-regulation and there is apositive relationship
between positive thinking and self-regulation. Theresearcher has developed the
following recommendations:1- Preparing programs according to the strategies of selforganization ofall academic levels. 2- Providing outreach programs about the
importance of positivethinking and its role in the development and acceptance
themselves andsolve problems in a scientific way.Proposals: conducting similar study
on the teachers training institutesstudents and primary school with different variables.


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How to Cite

Thinking and relation of self-regulation of Art College students\ firs tgrade. (2020). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 219(2), 409-440.