Fear of Negative Evaluation and its relationship to ‎ Openness to Experience among a Sample of Attendees at the Mental ‎Health Clinic In Rafah- Palestine


  • Pof. Dr. Sami Awad Abu Ishaq Al-Quds Open University - Khan Yunis Branch




fear of negative evaluation‎, openness to experience, mental health clinic attendance


The present study aimed to identify the level of fear of negative evaluation, openness to experience, verify the link between them, reveal differences in fear of negative evaluation, and openness to experience according to the variable of sex. The study sample reached (200) persons who visited a Mental Health clinic in Rafah. The researchers used the fear of negative evaluation scale prepared by Liri (1983), translated by the researcher, and the scale of openness to experience, which is derived from the External Care Scale for Medicine, was hosted at a high level on the fear of negative evaluation scale, and a medium level on the Openness to experience, and the results showed that there is an inverse relationship between fear of negative evaluation and openness to experience, and the inclusion of results, there are no differences in fear of negative evaluation, and openness to experience according to the variable of sex.


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How to Cite

Fear of Negative Evaluation and its relationship to ‎ Openness to Experience among a Sample of Attendees at the Mental ‎Health Clinic In Rafah- Palestine. (2022). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 61(2), 186-206. https://doi.org/10.36473/ujhss.v61i2.1268

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