The level of storytelling (Hay Bin Yaktan) as a model
There is no doubt that every nation is looking for glances in the intellectual and literary products of its son's throughout the ages in order to prove its advanced position in the world of scientific innovation. Evidence of this allegation has some signals (The theory of Hay Bin Yaktan), it's a form of stories, But this signal did not reach the recipient to the degree of certainty. But after re-examined in a scientific manner based on scientific research methodology, the signals showed that they were not only a story or a novel in the true sense. This research proved the creative capabilities and the technical capabilities of narration that rise in art fiction to levels of creativity through the idea, plot, characters, events and the nature of the crises that revolve within this novel. Because of the internal or external conflicts that arise from a special and distinct reality, it aims to achieve a philosophical idea, which makes it the first philosophical novel looking at difficult human dilemmas.