Sami Frashri and his role in the Albanian national renaissance


  • Dr. Khaled Salman Shadan University of Tikrit / College of Arts - History Department



         In the midst of the rise of nationalist movements in Europe during the second half of the nineteenth century, the Balkan countries, which had been under Ottoman administration for centuries, were not isolated from this constant movement. One of the most important Balkan countries that experienced a rise in national mobility was Albania, although it was a multi- But it was able to unite its forces and voice in all areas and forums, all thanks to the presence of a group of national Albanians who demanded national and national rights all regardless of religion and nationalism, led by Sami Farashri, who contributed with his colleagues in the statement and the consolidation of milk rights for the To achieve full independence. For these and other reasons, Sami Frashri was the focus of this study, which came under the title (Sami Frashri and his role in the Albanian national renaissance).


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How to Cite

Sami Frashri and his role in the Albanian national renaissance. (2018). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 227(2), 257-268.