A Linguistic Study of Ibn-Khaldoon’s Introduction: A Procedural Study in the Light of (Folklore Linguistics Project)


  • Dr. Niama Dahash Farhan Al-Tae University of Baghdad College of Education Ibn-Rushd for Human Sciences




       The linguistic theory of heritage has adopted the ancient Arabic linguistic Folklore as a subject for various studies on the basis of the principles of rereading, which is characterized by multi-purposes like briefing ancient linguistic perceptions and interpreting them in accordance with the new trends of linguistic research in a way to equalize the ancient linguistic thought results. The new trends in linguistic theories have a new view to identify its historical and civilized value according to the new type of a new reading to have it been as an intellectual attitude by itself. As the linguistic subjects involve certain purposes, this study aims at finding out the closeness and similarity between the Arabic linguistic folklore and the new trends in linguistics. To be tackled with in our Arabic folklore is what Ibn-Khaldoon left, which is used to be distinguished and pre his era, regarding applied linguistic similarities. His remarks extended to theoretical linguistic issues related to Arabic, in particular. He talked about language and linguistics ; their concepts and natures, tackled with the issue of linguistic development and the functions of parsing regarding its nature as far as form and function concerned. He indicated rhetoric and eloquence and deeply showed the relation between language and society. Such nature and  its earlier effect of what we call linguistic variation , or to put it more precisely, it was as an attempt to explore the extent of equivalence between the linguistic structure and socio-psycho structures which used to be as the basic foundation of applied linguistics; therefore, these similarities have been demonstrated in two sections:

1 - Psycholinguistic similarities according to Ibn-Khaldoon.

2 - Sociolinguistic similarity  according to Ibn-Khaldoon.








How to Cite

A Linguistic Study of Ibn-Khaldoon’s Introduction: A Procedural Study in the Light of (Folklore Linguistics Project). (2018). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 213(1), 61-86. https://doi.org/10.36473/ujhss.v213i1.650