Academic Narcissistic Entitlement among Female Kindergarten Students and its Relationship to Impression Management
Academic narcissistic ,impression managementAbstract
The research problem crystallizes around one of the personality types represented by the narcissistic personality, which prompted the researcher to raise the following question: What is the academic narcissistic entitlement among female kindergarten students and its relationship to impression management? Therefore, two objectives were identified to verify the research procedures, which are as follows: 1- Identifying the academic narcissistic entitlement among female students in the kindergarten department and its relationship to impression management. 2- Measuring the relationship between the narcissistic personality of kindergarten students and impression management. Since the current research aims to reveal academic narcissistic entitlement among female students in the kindergarten department and its relationship to impression management. Therefore, (the researcher) adopted the descriptive approach (correlational relationship) in designing her research procedures, as it is the most appropriate scientific method to achieve the goal of the research, as the research community consisted of female students in the kindergarten department at the College of Basic Education / Al-Mustansiriya University, numbering (450) students distributed among four. Academic stages: Fourth grade female students (114) were selected as a sample for the research. To show the results, the researcher used the statistical package (SPSS), the most prominent of which are: 1- (34%) of female students in the fourth grade/kindergarten section have a personality that tends toward narcissism. This may be due to their behavior with their peers in the educational situation. The conclusions are: 1- That the female students of the fourth grade/kindergarten section have a narcissistic personality may affect their job performance in the teaching task in kindergarten, since the student will be dealing with an age group that is at the beginning of its maturity. Keywords: personality - narcissistic personality - impression management
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