Ibn Khaldun's economic philosophy


  • Warqa Yunus Yahya




: history, Ibn Khaldun, nervousness, Bedouinism, economy, urbanization.


This research is entitled (Ibn Khaldun's economic philosophy) and Ibn Khaldun (d.: 808 AH) is Abu Zaid Wali al-Din Abd al-Rahman, famously known as Ibn Khaldun, he was born in Tunisia in 732 AH, and he is famous for his author (Book of Al AbAER) and the introduction to the book known as the Introduction. Learned from his father and some Tunisian scholars studied interpretation, hadith, jurisprudence, language and grammar, as well as mental sciences such as logic, philosophy, arithmetic and other sciences. Which is economic cooperation, and the factors affecting livelihood and poverty, but in terms of the vocabulary of this research, it is divided into.

1- The science or philosophy of history, 2- Important concepts for Ibn Khaldun's reading, 3- Economics and its importance in Ibn Khaldun's thought.

 In terms of the approach adopted, the historical and analytical approaches were adopted.


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How to Cite

Ibn Khaldun’s economic philosophy. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 62(4), 91-106. https://doi.org/10.36473/ujhss.v62i4.2246

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