Dictation Achievement of the Fourth-grade Female Students Who are non- Kurdish Speakers


  • Sorour Abdul Karim Ali Rahim Iraq/Ministry of Education/Second Rusafa




Keywords: Finding the error, Achievement , dictation


    This research aims at identifying (The Impact of the Strategy of  'Finding the Error' in the dictation Achievement of the Fourth-grade Female Students Who are non- Kurdish Speakers), the researcher chose, on purpose, Al- Huda Preparatory School  for Girls in the city of Baghdad for she is a teacher at the same school, and she chose  the first semester of the year 2019-2020. The sample size condists of  (64) students distributed into (32) students in the experimental group and (32) in the control group, and conducted the researcher between the two groups equalization in the variables: (time age, intelligence). During that time, the researcher taught the two groups, and prepared an educational test consisting of (40) multiple choice items,  supplementing and finding the error and correcting itemsd, and after the end of the trial she applied the test to the two groups, and then used the T - test for two independent samples. The result of the ( T-test) shows that the experimental group who  studied according to the strategy (Fin strategy (Find the Error) was superior on the control group. The researcher recommended the necessity of the existance of  identifying and providing teachers of the Kurdish language with modern strategies for teaching dictation, and to conduct a comparative study between the strategy of 'Finding the Error', and the  other strategies to find out which is the most effective one.




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How to Cite

Dictation Achievement of the Fourth-grade Female Students Who are non- Kurdish Speakers. (2024). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 63(2), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.36473/5s1phk08

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