Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship to Psychological Compatibility of Primary School Teachers


  • Inst. Muhammad Salim Salman Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Education / Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences




Emotional intelligence, psychological compatibility, male and female teachers


There is no doubt that education is one of the noblest and finest professions, as it is the basis for forming a good generation through its various institutions.

    Emotional intelligence is a precondition for developing and achieving our various mental capabilities, and simply we need to recognize our emotions and give our feelings and internal needs the appropriate description and appropriate designation, we need to activate ourselves and move all our internal capabilities such as internal energy, effort, discipline, perseverance, flexibility.

    Psychological compatibility is a group of repetitive behaviors and attempts, which the individual conducts through interaction with the other, in order to achieve harmony and stability with himself first and with the other second and to achieve his goals. It appears in the extent of the individual's self-satisfaction, acceptance by others, freedom from sadness and failure, and self-acceptance.

      This research aims to know:

  1. The level of emotional intelligence of the stage teachers.
  2. The level of psychological compatibility of the stage teachers.
  3. The correlational relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological compatibility.

The main research sample consisted of (400) male and female teachers selected by the method of random sampling among primary school teachers. As for the tools used in the current research:

1- The researcher used the Emotive Intelligence Scale (Osman and Rizk, 2001), as the scale has psychometric properties, from the validity of its two types, both apparent and constructive, as for stability according to Gottman and Alfakronbach.

2- The researcher used the Psychological Correspondence Scale (Ejlal, 1986), in which types of honesty were extracted: among them are apparent honesty, constructive validity, and constancy according to Gottman and Alvackronbach.

    Among the methods of statistical treatment using the following methods: the T-test for one sample, the T-test for two independent samples, and the Pearson correlation coefficient, the following results appeared:

1- Elementary school teachers have a high level of emotional intelligence.

2- The primary school teachers enjoy a high level of psychological compatibility.

  • There is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and psychological compatibility among primary school teachers.


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How to Cite

Emotional Intelligence and Its Relationship to Psychological Compatibility of Primary School Teachers. (2021). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 60(3), 547-584. https://doi.org/10.36473/ujhss.v60i3.1730

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