The Provisions of Contemporary Clues in Sharia and Law
Truth, which we reach to by searching, is the aim of justice. Islamic sharia, through its jurisprudence rules ,has ratified ,stable and derived means through significance and signs, which are evidenced that aim something without using it. That means any proof stands on deriving unknown thing from another which is known. The jurists consider the presumption as a sign that leads us to the unknown matters ,concluded and derived from accompanied proofs for that ambiguous situation .Without these ,we can't reach to the truth .An example for that is the sing mentioned in the Holly Koran from the strong of Prophet Youssef 'peace of Good be on him' which says ;'If his shirt was torn from the face ,she is right and he is a liar ' and also in the speech of God messenger Mohammad 'prayers and peace of God to bean him 'that refers ;'the boy belongs to the bed ,and the lap is for the hoer '. And there are many conclusions that are derived from evidences that accompany the incidents which were used by the Prophets friend's ,'satisfaction of God to be on them ',to issue juristpondent rules aiming to prove the facet .From this ,we can say that there is ability to depend on contemporary devices like the hereditary print ,D.N.A analyzing or factory analysis of blood traces or hair ,and phonetic and photographic records ,or even the police dogs that they can be regarded as accompanied evidences that aiming the murder . Those proofs don'ts differ the meaning and approach the facts .Neglecting these evidences ,which are not contrasting ,mean the we may lose and waste the rights ,that were issued as resolutions by the Islamic Juristpondent Institute .